Reviving blogs and marriages
I finally figured out how to access my old blog. Had to remember password and/or login. Finally got it worked out.
Interesting to see what I was writing three years ago. Geeeezzz...that's a long time!
I read my niece's blog today and was just so impressed with how she included pics of the kids and all about what's going on in their family. Might just try that.
But here's what has me up at 2:30 a.m. At age 44, we've hit the divorce age. You know... there's a time when all your friends are getting married, then they're all having babies and now, well, too many of them are divorcing...or separating...or thinking about one of those. One couple split up last year when he decided to find a newer, younger woman to fill his bed. Another friend dumped her husband who spent most of his time surfing rather than working. A mom of 4 kids kicked the husband out when he refused to stay sober...and now he wants partial custody. And a relative of mine is divorcing her husband who has the same problem but with an added drug problem, too. We just learned this week that another couple is about to separate. Their kids don't even know yet. Damn. What is going on???
And here's the irony. My mother-in-law was just moved into an Alzheimer's facility yesterday. She didn't really understand it. But my father-in-law feels awful for moving his wife of 64 YEARS out of the house. They are separated but don't want to be. How cruel is that? They make it to 64 years and he has to move her out because he just can't care for her. He'd rather be with her, to hold her in his arms at night, to sit with her, but now he can't because her brain is atrophying and she isn't who she used to be. She's like a toddler now and needs help with the simplest tasks. And he can't do all of that for her. Really, no ONE person could. It will take a team of people to meet her needs. So she has to be away from home. And he has to be alone. But they don't really want to separate...
So is this meant to be a lesson for the rest of us??? Do your best to stick it out together so that when you're in your 80's you'll have someone who wants to visit you in your nursing home? It makes me want to redouble my efforts to keep my marriage going. How about you?
Labels: Alzheimer's, divorce, separation
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