Saturday, December 31, 2005

My New Year's UNresolution

I've been really lame about posting recently so I thought I'd better start the new year right. For the past several years my resolution has been the same: "Don't make any New Year's resolutions." And, guess what? I've finally come up with a resolution I keep!! I hate setting myself up for failure by promising to exercise more or eat better or whatever. It only lasts a few days and then I feel guilty and maybe depressed. So screw it. Resolutions are OUTTA HERE!

But I could take this time to count my blessings, so to speak. OK then...well, the obvious one is that my kids are happy and healthy and beautiful and smart. I am amazed daily at the things they put together, the conclusions they make. Between them I bet there are 300 IQ points. No joke. OK, enough bragging, back to gratitude...hmmm, I want to say I'm grateful for my health, but I'm afraid I'll jinx myself there. I'm SO, SO, SO grateful for my dear friends who support me and help me and keep me sane. (Well, almost sane!) I'm grateful for my home that, while never exactly tidy, is bright and warm and sunny. (Except this past weekend when we got something like 6 inches of rain!) I'm grateful that I have the ability to make the choice to stay home and raise my children. (Remind me of that when they're bickering at dinner time...) I am grateful, too, that my husband works hard to provide for all of us. I am grateful that he is making a tremendous effort to be a good father to our kids and a good husband to me.

So, all in all, I enter 2006 blessed with much good fortune. One never knows what the coming year will bring . . . and I'm glad I don't know, so I don't have to spend any time worrying about it!! May there be more joys than sorrows this year - for me and for you.


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