Thursday, December 08, 2005

Don't Interrupt Us!

Recently my husband and I were interrupted while we were, uhh, "being intimate." One of the kids knocked on the bedroom door. ("Can I come in?" "No." "Why not?" "Because sometimes Mommies and Daddies need privacy!") We have come to call these intrusions "kiddus interruptus."

Not to be outdone, a few days ago our feline friend (who believes she "owns" our bed, and, specifically, MY pillow) began coughing and getting ready to hack up a hairball, just as the husband and I lay down together... thus "cattus interruptus."

Even the dog barks and "talks" whenever we so much as hug! Her behavior is now termed "caninus interruptus."

So I have an idea! Someone needs to invent a remote control bedroom door CLOSER and LOCKER, a la the garage door closer. That way, when things start to heat up, we can just hit the remote and the bedroom door CLOSES and LOCKS. All interrupters are held at bay - no more close calls, and fewer interruptions!


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