Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm B-A-A-A-C-K

I've completely gotten out of the habit of posting - if it ever really WAS a habit in the first place. I was SO excited when I set up my little blog corner of the world that several times throughout each day I'd have ideas for my blog. Then I'd sit down to write and they'd fly out of my head, never to be seen or heard from again... But I'm going to give this another shot. Maybe I just need to cruise around and see what everyone else is blogging about and I'll realize that I don't have to be too terribly profound, ya know???

Last weekend, the kids and I planted some seeds. It's not actually a garden, just some pots and a little planter, but they were thrilled and I'm kinda excited to see if things actually grow. We've been in this house for 3 1/2 years and never tried to grow too much, just some tomatoes in pots. (And they don't grow so well when you forget to water them...) It's rained for the past week and it's raining right now, so everything should be well-watered, at any rate. Hopefully the poor little seeds won't rot or float away. We planted enough seeds that there's room for spoilage, etc. We planted carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, marigolds, mint, basil, morning glories and sunflowers. It should be lots of fun for the kids to see it all come up over time. We planted a few seeds of each in mini peat pots inside, just in case the outside ones die out. Those ones have started to come up - especially the sunflower seeds! Man, I think I could sit there and watch and actually see those things grow!

As for this rain, well, it's not typical Central Coast of California stuff. I'm pretty sick of it and they say it's just gonna keep coming for at least the next week... I'm really quite spoiled as a native Californian - I don't know what REAL weather is like. However, I must say, that I AM a native Californian because my dad is a native Torontonian (is there such a word???) and moved to California because he never wanted to have to shovel snow again in his life - and he hasn't!!

So here are my latest thoughts about how I will run the world when I'm in charge... :-)
***When you sign your kids up for sports, the coaches will have listed what days and times and locations that they will have practices. That way, you can choose what fits best in your already crammed schedule and the kids won't have to give up one activity for another. Just a thought!
***When we give our kids medicine, we always stick a Post-It note on the bathroom mirror listing which kid got what medicine in what amount at what time, and appropriate details such as temperature. That way, when someone needs meds in the middle of the night, we don't have to remember what was given - it's all right there in front of us. (Both kids have fevers right now, so this is near and dear to my heart at the moment!)
***My other hot tip is about prescription medicines - for kids or the dog or even for us. Imake a grid on a Post-It note (God I love those things!!) with however many doses for however many days. Then as I give the medicine, I just check off the box. No more trying to remember when they were last given meds, etc. SO easy.

OK, I guess that's enough for now. As I've said, as soon as I sit down, everything I wanted to write goes right out of my head. Oh well...